Pressing Amounts of Work

Pressing Amounts of Work
First off, this is not the comic that I intended for today. Originally, I wanted to continue the camping story arc, but I haven't had time to fully write the script or do the necessary drawings. The longest element to the whole process the way I have been doing is the inking with the India Ink. Good Grief, that takes forever! The brush pen has been helping out in that regard, so it was a good investment. I think it looks best when I combine it with the computer color as I have done here. In fact, even though this comic did not take as much time as some of my others, it may be among my best looking. I guess I am finding my own best creative process.
You may not have noticed, but this is the third picture in this day's update. Be sure to check out the Character Sketches and Dana's Circle picture below for todays sketch. The common element to all of these pictures is that they were drawn several weeks ago, but not uploaded into the computer until today. The reason for all of this is that I am swamped with work. I have to read several books (about 4) and write 30 "good" pages of academic writing in the next three weeks, and I am already behind. But my sense is that the key to getting all this work done is develop a routine and stick to it. Part of that routine will be this webcomic because I don't to burnout on work too quicly, even though I focusing more intensely on it than I have before.
Special Note: You may not have noticed yet, but I have changed the poll on the left from "which day you want the comic to update" to "which character would you like to see featured more frequently." I have determined to have a posting on the site by Monday. This will give me some time to work on the comic over the weekend. However, if you are a morning person, the best day to check the site for an update may be on Tuesday. I will try to be more diligent and regular about posting. Please vote in the Poll. And if you're feeling more adventurous, send me an E-mail. Zeb might bite, but I swear I don't!