Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Mr. Doodlecoop's Project

(Click Comic for Larger View)

Mr. Doodlecoop's Project

As promised, this is the special update with ths special treat: colors! Of course, I am still learning how to do this, so things may not look as cool as one would hope, but still, I think it is progress. I will not be able to post every comic in color, and I think that stylisitically, I really do even want to. However, the occasional color comic should be nice.

I am not sure where the current storyline is going, but I am thinking that I should do something with Thanksgiving. It is coming up at the end of the month, and it might be neat to do something with it. Of course, my real life work at school is starting to really pick up so I may not be able to post full comics as regularly as I would want to. However, I assure you that I will post something at least once each week. Keep checking back here for updates! Also, if you have any suggestions, such as what color things should be, or whether or not you even like it, just let me know. I really appreciate any and all comments.