Tuesday, May 16, 2006


(Click comic for larger view)

For some reason, I can't get the images to post right, so for the time being, instead of posting by my usual methods, I am using flickr. I tried to post this above comic six times, but each time the bottom two panels would be cut-off halfway. The only difference you might see is that if you click on the image it takes you to my flickr page. (You can see a few of the other photos I have there, but nothing too special.)

As for the process behind this comic, I believe I am learning something new each time I do this. Consistency is definitely something that I have to work on. Also, it seems that I am constantly having Zeb raise his left paw. Weird, but now that I notice it, I can work on trying out new figure positions for him. There's a new poll on the sidebar, and if you have the time, tell me what you think in the comments!

P.S. Gah! I had to resize the comic by hand too, so it looks a little wonky. However, if you click on the image and go to the flickr page, you will see a slightly nicer version. Edit: Posting images is working so, the image is fixed! Hooray!


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